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About Us

About Us

The Little Author is currently overbooked and is at present not accepting new submissions.

The Little Author was founded in 2005 as a means to empower people of all ages through their own creativity.  Our books are all hand crafted using the finest materials in the world. 

“In a world obsessed with simplification and short cuts, it has become increasingly rare to find companies which have not compromised some aspect of their production process.  At The Little Author, we can honestly say that we never look for short cuts, and for this, a difference can be told in our finished hand crafted books.” ~ Maxton Beckwith 


You may contact us:

Via e-mail  ~

Via Phone  ~    303-880-6452

Via Post     ~    The Little Author, Inc.  PO Box 1574  Boulder, CO 80306  USA

~ To further enhance our commitment to customize and personalize each project, all orders are placed over the phone.  Please call us with any questions, as we love to talk about our books!

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